Consonance and Dissent: Finissage of Mother Courage and Her Children
The courage to face what we don’t know and how that encounter can awaken curiosity, creativity and power runs like a red thread through the exhibition Mother Courage and Her Children. The artists have encountered the challenges of nature, politics and social community in films, performances and soundworks where the irrational dimension of contact with something foreign can form an act of resistance. In order to reflect on encounters that took place during the exhibition, Accelerator invites you to a finissage with music and a conversation between researchers and some of the participating artists. The conversation starts out from a common interest in creating encounters with that which is unknown by means of intonation. In music, intonation refers to pitch accuracy. In linguistics, it refers to the use of changing pitch to convey syntactic information. A musical and social collaboration for a harmonic balance in a collective or a solidarity-based organisation of political resistance. The theme connects music’s physical and cultural historical roots with contemporary issues of community and diversity. The artists participating in the conversationwork with corporeal language, ancient mythology and social dramaturgy, while the researchers contribute linguistic and ethnological perspectives.
8 February 18:00–20:00 at Accelerator.
Free entry. No pre-booking required.
Magnus Florin, Dramaturg, director and writer. Participates as dramaturg in Radioart’s scenic soundplay Red Doc>, a part of Mother Courage and Her Children.
Mattias Heldner, Professor of Phonetics and Head of the Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, where he researches human conversational behaviour.
Ivo Nilsson, Composer and chamber musician. Participates with newly composed music in Radioart’s scenic soundplay Red Doc>, a part of Mother Courage and Her Children.
Roberto N. Peyre, Artist working with performance and installation, with an interest in ritual folklore and cultural heritage. Participates in Mother Courage and Her Children with the performance Labryo – This Turning Europe and Lövaman.
Jenny Sunesson, Assistant Professor of Sonic Practice at Stockholm University of the Arts and artist active in site-specific sonic practice, field recording and ethnography with a focus on social and technological exclusion.
Peter Söderberg, Musician. Participates in Radioart’s scenic soundplay Red Doc>, a part of Mother Courage and Her Children.
Ingrid Åkesson, Ethnomusicologist, researching folk song traditions, with a focus on gender issues and power.