The Encounter Between Art and Science
At Accelerator, art encounters research in an interdisciplinary dialogue on contemporary issues and challenges. The aim is to foster the exchange of knowledge and reflections on how art and science address current societal issues based on their respective disciplines.
In the programme Art + Research, Accelerator’s artistic team collaborates with researchers whose work relates to current issues and themes explored in the exhibitions. The collaboration results in a public programme comprising lectures, discussions and seminars in which artists, researchers, students and the general public are invited to participate.

Why art and research?
The purpose of Art + Research is to stimulate innovative thinking through an exchange of knowledge, experiences and perspectives. An important cornerstone of Accelerator’s activities is the connection to contemporary issues and societal challenges. The Art + Research programme provides a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and enables the exploration of new types of knowledge and ways of discussing research through art.
Charlotta Seiler Brylla, professor of German at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German.“Artists are daring! We researchers often tend to stick to what’s tried and tested rather than exploring new methods”

Watch and listen from the archive
Since the start in 2016 more than 110 people – researchers representing all faculties as well as artists and experts – have participated in collaborations in Art + Research. Information on the entire programme of discussions since the physical opening of the art space in autumn 2019 is available in Accelerator’s archive. Many discussions have been recorded and can be watched on Accelerator’s YouTube channel or listened to as a podcast.
From Accelerator's Archive:
- Lina Aastrup, curator.
- Michael Barrett, curator, Museum of World Culture.
- Manthia Diawara, filmmaker, author, and professor of Cinema Studies and Comparative Literature at New York University.
- Issra El Kogali Häggström, writer and filmmaker.
- Fataneh Farahan, professor of Ethnology at the Department of Ethnology, History of Religion and Gender Studies, Stockholm University.
- Ulrika Flink, Artistic Director of Konsthall C, curator, co-founder of the curator collective Parallellogram.
- Peter Gillgren, professor of Art History at Stockholm University.
- Salad Hilowle, filmmaker and artist.
- Roland Jansson, Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Umeå University.
- Hanni Kamaly, artist.
- Shahram Khosravi, professor in Social Antrophology.
- Jonas Monié Nordin, associate professor of historical archeology, Stockholm University, Lund University and the Swedish History Museum.
- Alessandro Petti, professor of architecture and social justice, Royal Institute of Art.
- Katarina Pirak Sikku, artist.
- Lena Sawyer, senior lecturer, Department of social work at Gothenburg University.
- Mmabatho Thobejane, curator.
- Jonelle Twum, filmmaker, pedagogue, researcher and cultural producer.
- Jeff Werner, professor of Art History at Stockholm University.
- Staffan Bergwik, Professor in History of Science and Ideas in the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Pia Björstrand, Lawyer, Environmental activist, President of Swedish Earth Rights Lawyers and active within the organization Klimataktion.
- Sabina Cehajic-Clancy, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology.
- Cullberg, National and international repertoire contemporary dance company in Sweden.
- Jason J. Czarnezki, Olof Palme visiting Professor, Gilbert and Sarah Kerlin Distinguished Professor of Environmental Law, Associate Dean of Environmental Law Programs and Strategic Initiatives, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University (New York).
- Karin Dirke, Associate Professor in History of Ideas at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Ola Engelmark, Docent and debater on sustainable forestry.
- Kulturföreningen Fogelstad, Exhibition and Education centre at Fogelstad.
- Fogelstad Stiftelse, Centre for education and democracy.
- Christina Fredengren, Associate Professor at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies.
- Karin Grelz, Samverkansrådgivare, Avdelningen för forsknings och samverkansstöd.
- Jamila Haider, Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and leader of the Resilience & Sustainable Development research theme.
- Anna Karin Hammar, Priest an theologian, member of Olof Palme Memorial Fund and Church of Sweden Synod.
- Dante Hellström, Urban Gardener.
- Janna Holmstedt, Artist and researcher, initiator of the art- and research project Humus economicus at National Historical Museums (SHM).
- Malin Jonell, Researcher at the Beijer Institute, KVA and the Stockholm Resilience Centre, and leader of the Food for Resilience research theme at SRC.
- Emmeline Laszlo Ambjörnsson, Doctoral student at the Department of Human Geography.
- Malin Lindmark Vrijman, on behalf of Kultivator, an experimental collaboration of organic farming and visual art practice, situated in the rural village of Dyestad.
- Malin Lobell, Artist and gardener.
- Lumbricus rubellus (red earthworms), cultural workers who are developing top soil in the newly crafted Soil Faculty of Stockholm University.
- Stefano Manzoni, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Geography.
- MYCKET, Art, architecture and artistic research group focusing on intersectional perspectives such as anti-racist and queer feminist theory.
- Christina Schaffer, Academic and cultivator at the Department of Physical Geography.
- Amanda Wood, Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre Researcher.
- Anders Wästfelt, Professor, the Department of Cultural Geography.
- Sara Abdollahi, literary critic and essayist.
- Frida Beckman, Professor of Comparative literature at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Alexandra Dylman, Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education.
- Makda Embaie, Artist.
- Christina Fredengren, Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies.
- Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, Artist.
- Sofia Hedstrand, Artist.
- Mattias Heldner, Professor in Phonetics and Director of the Phonetics Laboratory at the Department of Linguistics.
- Susanna Jablonski, Artist.
- Signe Johannessen, Artist.
- Johan Järlehed, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Languages and Literatures.
- Balsam Karam, Author and Librarian.
- Anna Kindbom, Artist.
- Anneli Kruve, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry.
- Jarmo Lainio, Professor of Finnish at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German.
- Alba Legarda Lisarri, Research Assistant at the Department of Geological Sciences.
- Inger Lindberg, Professor emerita at the Department of Language Education.
- Maja Mella, Managing Director at The National Association of Swedish Tornedalians, Tornionlaaksolaiset.
- Santiago Mostyn, Artist.
- Anna Ting Möller, Artist.
- Kevin Noone, Professor of Chemical Meteorology at the Department of Environmental Science.
- Jonas Nordell, Professor of Civil Law at the Department of Law.
- Stefano Papazian, Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Environmental Science.
- Jan Rosén, Professor of Civil Law at the Department of Law.
- Charlotta Seiler Brylla, Professor of German at the professor of German at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German.
- Iris Smeds, Artist.
- Katarina Winter, PhD in Sociology and Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Criminology.
- Barbara Wohlfarth, Professor of Quaternary Geology at the Department of Geological Sciences.
- Gethin Wyn Jones, Artist.
- Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Associate Professor in international law and Director and Head of Research at The Åland Islands Peace Institute.
- Gudrun Brattström, Associate professor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics.
- Mats Börjesson, Professor, Department of Child and Youth Studies.
- Staffan Carlshamre, Professor, Department of Philosophy.
- Iben Christiansen, Associate professor, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
- Carmen Fernández, Professor emerita, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute.
- Vandela Grundell Gachoud, Post doctor, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Ingemar Haag, Senior Lecturer, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Boel Hackman, Senior Lecturer, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Magdalena Holdar, Senior Lecturer in Art History at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Lise-Lotte Jons, Educational Developer, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Education.
- Johan Kleman, Professor, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology.
- Palle Leth, Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy.
- Ewa Machotka, Associate professor, Department of Asia, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies.
- Elisabeth Mansén, Professor, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Joy Merwin Monterio, Post doctor, Department of Meteorology.
- Tyra Nilsson, PhD-student, Department of Education.
- Dominic Power, Professor, Department of Human Geography.
- Klas Roth, Professor, Department of Education.
- Kicki Skog, Senior lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
- Henrik Österblom, Professor and science director, Stockholm Resilience Centre.
- Gudrun Brattström, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics.
- Rikard Bögvad, Professor, Department of Mathematics.
- Erik Cardelius, Department of Language Education.
- Uno Fors, Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences.
- Rachel Foster, Researcher, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences.
- Martin Gustavsson, Head of research, SCORE.
- Anna-Maria Hällgren, Senior Lecturer, Office of Human Science.
- Maria Larsson, Professor, Department of Psychology.
- Anna Ljunggren, Professor, Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German.
- Anna Lundström, Senior Lecturer, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Per Jonas Nordell, Professor, Department of Law.
- Patricia Shaughnessy, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law.
- Mårten Snickare, Professor, Department of Culture and Aesthetics.
- Ulrich Theopold, Professor, Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute.
- Tindra Thor, Lecturer, Department of Media Studies.
- Annika Ullman, Professor, Department of Education.