New opportunity: Outdoor performance Adèle Essle Zeiss
A live site-specific presentation of artist Adèle Essle Zeiss’ work System för att flyta och sjunka (A System for Floating and Sinking), 2021, performed outdoors on the Stockholm University campus Frescati. The performance is part of Essle Zeiss’ exhibition Tyngdspegel on view at Accelerator 16 Oct–19 Dec 2021.
Adèle Essle Zeiss and three collaborators create a system in which body parts are linked with broken buckets by ropes and blocks located in the branches of several trees located outside of the centrally located Blom’s Hus on the Stockholm University campus area. By filling and emptying the buckets with water the bodies are raised and lowered in a process beyond their control.
Sunday 31 October at 4:30 pm
Duration: approx. 30 mins. Admission free, no advance booking required.
The event will be performed outside of Blom’s House at the Stockholm University campus Frescati, underground station Universitetet.