MYCKET: STRUGGLEOKE and banner workshops
STRUGGLEOKE – The Karaoke Bar with Songs that Care maps historical and ongoing civil rights struggles and justice movements, as well as the material traces they leave behind.
The mapping builds an archive of songs, slogans, banners and placards. Movements and slogans such as ¡No pasarán!, School Strike 4 Climate, White Silence is Violence; songs like Laleh’s Goliath, Dolly Parton’s Nine to Five or Jan Hammarlund’s Europa. STRUGGLEOKE is also an actual karaoke bar where songs of resistance are sung, and a shared workshop where banners and pins can be made.
While STRUGGLEOKE visits Accelerator, visitors are invited to participate in the production of new banners in open workshops. The banners will form the basis for two STRUGGLEOKE occasions that will be held featuring specially invited STRUGGLEOKE hosts.
Banner workshop:
11 January at 12:00–20:00
12 January at 12:00–18:00
13 January at 12:00–16:00
18 January at 18:00–20:00
21 January at 14:00–16:00
18 January
Alex Fridunger, popular education teacher and activist.
21 January
Safoura Safavi, Persian/Swedish artist, member of the band Abjeez, composer, Sound Designer and activist.

The art, architecture and design group MYCKET was formed in 2012 by Mariana Alves Silva, Katarina Bonnevier and Thérèse Kristiansson. MYCKET tries to work from a set of interacting perspectives; queer, feminism, class, anti-racism, the more-than-human. Their artistic research practice, which often takes place together with others in large networks, has generated a wide range of results; large-scale theatre productions, permanent public spaces, costumes, details, works of art, instruments, exhibitions, animations, performances, text and theory production, education and lectures.