CHEAP: A World Where Nothing Is Private

14 Sep 2024, 19:00

Join us for the new performance A World Where Nothing Is Private, an evening of reenacted moments from CHEAP’s queer clubs in Berlin in the early 00s – and more. 

Between club nights and an art installation, CHEAP presents films, slides, lecturinas and music (by Xiu Xiu and others) in an exhausted performance about their political and private joys. Stop looking for that special someone. Enter their world where a whole proliferation of ways of connecting with others opens up.

With: Vaginal Davis, Annette Frick, Daniel Hendrickson, Christian Fritzenwanker, Susanne Sachsse, Marc Siegel and Martin Siemann

Doors open: 19:00 
Performance starts: 20:00

Accelerator closes: 22:00

Limited capacity. Tickets are sold via Moderna Museet here.
Tickets: 80 kr
Students: 60 kr

A World Where Nothing Is Private is presented as a prelude to the contemporary art festival September Sessions initiated by Mint and Index. 

Collage with two faces with red and black eye makeup hands clasped under chins
Photo: Salome Gersch/Martha Höschel
Woman dressed in pearls and a hairy face mask
Susanne Sachsse at CHEAP Club in Berlin. Susanne Tiermaske, 2002. Photo: Annette Frick